Monday, April 4, 2011

The AMRA Law

 Give to receive...

This is a universal principle of wealth and prosperity on which all philosophies, all religions, all sacred writings throughout the world (the Holy Bible, the Koran, the Bhagavad Gita, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, etc.) unanimously agree.

They all acknowledge it as the first of the Golden Rules for accumulating money, material riches and prosperity here on Earth. Mystics call is the “AMRA Law” or the “Law of Providence”. This sacred doctrine, relegated to obscurity by the profane world, consists, now as it has in the past, as one of the immutable principles of the Cosmos, is this:

If you are asking for new burst of energy, or help in improving your standard of living – in whatever way – you should give back at least a small amount of the benefits the Universal Cosmic Energy (the Cosmos) is granting you.

This payment may be made in the form of an altruistic service or help given to one or several people, if the benefits concerned cannot be shared physically or materially.

You may also want to save a little of your income (from your salary, your lottery winnings, etc.) to give to a charity or humanitarian association, to help those in need.

Adhering to this rule of freely given sacrifice will give you the opportunity to experience true happiness, and most importantly, the access to the best things in life that come to those who respect and practice this fundamental Law of AMRA.

Acquiring money for its own sake, living a selfish life without sharing, means breaking the laws that create cosmic harmony. This type of attitude makes you accumulate what is called ‘negative karma’ which is a sort of ‘debt’ which the individual will have to pay off sooner or later, to ‘repair’ or make up for his or her mistake, whether in this life or the next.

In other words, as you sow, so shall you reap!

Those whose sole motivation for accumulating wealth is greed or the fear of poverty will be imprisoned by this avarice; they will certainly never discover the joy of helping others. This is an attitude that is more likely to lead to separating human beings than bringing them together, it weakens rather than strengthens, it builds a barrier between the individual and the rest of the world. This in turn leads to moral impoverishment and promotes the idea that success is only possible by ‘crushing’ others.

This is how the Life Forces work: if you are generous, altruistic, sincere and modest, not proud or hypocritical, the Universe will, in return, fulfil your wishes. 

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